The Malmsbury Village Fayre is an annual community event featuring live music, local food and wine, art and free unique entertainment within the iconic local Malmsbury Botanic Gardens.

Returning Sunday the 27th April our 24th annual event is shaping up to be our biggest event yet! 

This event highlights a unique opportunity to show your support and commitment to our local community.

We have included a number of tailored sponsorship packages available, if you wish to discuss further please reach out to Brad on 0406654661.

Want to be a Sponsor?

Gold Sponsorship - $1000
This top level package puts you in prime position as headline sponsor and entitles you to the following benefits:

  • 10 complimentary tickets
  • Public acknowledgement on the main stage and in all media interviews
  • Prime position company logo on Sponsor banner at entrance & space for 1 x banners on fence line facing the main street (you provide)
  • Company logo on Fayre website
  • Company logo on all Fayre posters and flyers
  • Inclusion in all Media Releases
  • 2 x dedicated social media posts
  • 1 x group social media post

Silver Sponsorship - $500
This package enables you to become a major partner of this event and entitles you to the following benefits:

  • 4 complimentary tickets
  • Company logo on Sponsor banner at entrance
  • Company logo on all Fayre posters and flyers
  • 1 x dedicated social media post
  • 1 x group Social media post

Bronze Sponsorship - $250
This sponsorship level is an opportunity for local small businesses to support the Fayre and entitles you to the following benefits:

  • 2 complimentary tickets
  • Company logo on sponsor banner at entrance
  • 1 x group bronze sponsors media post

The Fayre looks forward to partnering with you.
